Opportunities for Youth Volunteering in Uckfield

At what age can a young person start volunteering?

From age 5 upwards.  Our current youth project covers the age range 5 to 25. With the younger children perhaps the best way to understand volunteering is by relating it to kindness.  An act of helping someone without reward – helping with the dishes, looking out for someone in the playground that looks on their own, gardening, car washing etc.

Is voluntary work for young people harder to find?

At Uckfield Volunteer Centre, we have a comprehensive database of opportunities suitable for young people.

Does some youth volunteering require an adult to accompany?

We would recommend that anyone aged under 16 should be accompanied by a responsible adult during any volunteering. Some activities can be undertaken by a group of young people or alternatively why not involve the whole family. Our safeguarding policy is available on our website and our Youth Coordinators both have teaching experience, are DBS checked, and have received current safeguarding training with ESCC. The Uckfield Volunteer Centre has the facilities to offer DBS checks to our local volunteer partners if need be.

Do schools promote it?

We are working hard to build relationships with all our local schools, providing school packs, lesson plans and ideas. Local schools were involved at The Centre on World Kindness Day, making bunting for our Youth Celebrate Event in July. We are also involved in presenting assemblies and working with the Duke of Edinburgh award students.

Do you think young volunteers are aware of the benefits of gaining skills and experience?

Many employers are looking to see what a young person has done to support their community and volunteering is a great way of showing this commitment. We are seeing more young people coming forward to volunteer and by doing so they will gain and develop a variety of skills.  Volunteering will help with confidence, communication and teamwork and helps to combat any feeling of isolation. Our Youth Celebrate Event will be at Uckfield College on 11th July at 5 p.m.  We would love nominations for any young person that has carried out any social action projects. Please contact the Volunteer Centre for a nomination form Any volunteering enquiries should be made to either of our Youth Project Co-ordinators  – Laura and Stephan, on email at youthsenior.uckfieldvolunteer@gamil.com or community.uckfieldvolunteer@gmail.com  Follow us on TwitterFacebook and Instagram. Telephone 01825 760019 or call into the Volunteer Centre, just next door to the Cinema. The Uckfield Volunteer Centre works with the support of Uckfield Town Council and this Youth Celebrate Project has been funded by The Big Lottery, (Awards for All), Sussex Community Foundation #iwill, (proudly supporting youth social action) and  Henry Smith.

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