New Uckfield Yoga Studio proves a hit!

The new Uckfield Yoga studio opened its doors for the first time last Friday 1st September 2017, with a queue!

I am a keen yoga student myself, and enjoyed the open and airy surroundings.

The owner of Uckfield Yoga, Grace Annand, has been patiently planning the studio for some months. On her first day Grace was delighted with a full-house – 25 students!

Grace will hold all her classes at the new studio (except for one!) and there is no need to book, you can just turn up. Here is her new timetable.

Grace is hoping to hire the studio out on a regular basis, particularly to other yoga teachers. She has already secured 5 regular hirers.

To find out more visit Uckfield Yoga .

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Article written by Sue Edwards, SJE Marketing. If you would like me to write an article about your business, or you would like to be a guest blogger, please contact or call 01825 761890 

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