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WordPress website Management and Training

Wordpress websites
WordPress websites


Even if you have a simple website, updating regularly with fresh content will help to keep it high in search engines and help to attract more clients. If your website is more than a year old some of its functionality will need updating.

Is Your Website Responsive?

Can you see it clearly on all mobile devices  or is some of the information lost? If your website hasn’t been updated for some time and it’s not responsive, Google will penalise it, meaning it will drop considerably in search engine results.

Not Getting enough business from your website?

Your website is your online shopfront, attracting shoppers to buy. Does yours?

If your current website brings you little or no business, it needs to be worked on and kept up-to-date on a regular basis. Not only do you need to keep it current but search engines need to know you’re active too. If you have the time and knowledge to do this yourself that’s great, if not that’s where we can help.

New Websites

If you are starting out in business, whatever the service or product, you need to be on the internet. A website is your shopfront and will showcase everything that you do and if your business involves products, it will make online purchasing easy. The majority of people and other businesses these days source goods and services online, and it’s the most cost-effective marketing option for businesses of all sizes. A well-designed and well-optimised website will be working for your business 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

There are lots of great templates to choose from in WordPress. It’s very versatile and changes can be made quickly and easily.

Why Me?

mainCopyBullet I will be your dedicated point of contact throughout.

mainCopyBullet I will keep you updated regularly.

mainCopyBullet I will add any new material – ie: copy, pictures or blog posts, as and when required.

mainCopyBulletIf you ask me to do your social media or Linkedin too, I will promote your new content.

mainCopyBulletKeep your costs down – I don’t have costly overheads.


When adding new content to your website, I will automatically do SEO (search engine optimisation) for the page too, so that it’s found on the internet.

A lot to take in? Don’t worry, I’m here to help.

Let’s get started:

Call Sue (01825) 761890 now!

Or email sue@vasussex.co.uk

SJE Marketing