Well-established or Young business? The Process is the same.

Whatever stage your business is at, if your website is hard to find online, or worse, you don’t have a website, you won’t receive many enquiries.

If you don’t yet have a website, get one! Don’t rely on Facebook. If your budget is low, you can still get a website, but we don’t recommend a DIY, unless you’re good with words and SEO. It matters! If you use a platform such as Wix, or Site 123, you can create one on a low budget. If you would like help with setting one up, just ask.    

Why is’t my website showing up?

Although opinions differ slightly, stats say that over 90% of internet searches don’t go beyond page one.  So you need to be on page one!

There are several reasons why this could be:

  • Poor content and/or SEO or no website? 
  • You haven’t updated your website in maybe a year or more, so it’s dropping off page one or searches?
  • Social media – you don’t do it enough, you’re not sure how or you don’t have time.
  • Linkedin – same applies as social.
  • You haven’t been networking enough. 

All of these combined, or even just a couple of points, will affect the bottom line.  Effective marketing (website, social media and networking) done right, will turn poor enquiries into busy with enquiries. 

So here’s how I can help. 

All the services we offer will transform your marketing from poor to great! It won’t happen overnight, and is very likely to take time, but the quicker you start, the quicker you will get results.

Our most popular services are SEO and new or additional content. The two work together. 

Our most popular services are:

If you’re interested in any of these, just drop me a message or give me a call. We always start with a business review to see where you are now, then find out what we can do to get where you want to be. 

SJE Marketing