SEO Brighton and Hove

Be easily found online =

more enquiries

SEO services Uckfield

Website not giving you enough enquiries?

Chances are it hasn’t been optimised for SEO. Does it matter? Absolutely!

Whether your website is new, or not, sadly it doesn’t automatically mean that you will receive lots of enquiries from the start. Some web designers either don’t offer SEO, or say you don’t need it – you do – or they do a poor job!

Don’t all web designers do SEO? 

Even if they say they do, soe web designers don’t know what they’re talking about!  SEO relies heavily on the right keywords, content and in many cases, the right geographical area. If all that isn’t put in place, you don’t have a hope of being seen by your target market.  

So, effective SEO and content go hand in hand, and are as important as a good website design. Done correctly, effective content will encourage potential clients to visit your website and make a purchase. If your analytics show a high bounce rate, that means it needs work!

How will I know if SEO has been applied?

We can quickly find out for you, or you can find out yourself if you are familiar with the website dashboard. If not, the most common signs are:

a. If you don’t receive many/any enquiries 

b. Your website may only have one search engine result, the rest appear several pages down. A very small percentage of searches go further than page one.

d. You’re only getting a few webs visits and the website has a high bounce rate (above 60%).  

The process

There are many things to be considered when optimising a website for SEO. My services covers mainly onpage SEO. 

  • I conduct a marketing and social media review to see where things could be improved.
  • Report – I will then report my findings and results back to you. If you wish to go ahead we will agree a plan according to your budget. This will include:
  • Onpage SEO – I will write effective page and snippet content that will appear on your search results.
  • Website submission. 
  • Google Places for Business listing – always appears on page one of searches. This is particularly valuable if your business relies on local traffic. 
  • Website image optimisation – will also help search results.
  • Submit your completed website to search engines. 

The sooner SEO is done the better and it will help search engines to ‘crawl’ your pages (it can take weeks).  


Cost depends on how many pages your website has and how complex they are.  Generally it’s £50 for the first page then £25 for each following page. If the content on each page needs heavy editing, the charge is £25 page. 

Let’s Get Started!

Contact sue@sjemarketing or

SJE Marketing